Bohemian Chic

A wedding on the beach, in an antique barn or the middle of nature?
Bohemian chic is probably your style.

Your wedding will be lively, creative and relaxed.
This theme originates from the 19th century but has regained popularity in modern-day weddings.
If you chose this theme your wedding won’t be meticulously styled with a big puffy dress and old-fashioned wedding traditions.
Your wedding will be one big colour explosion, full of love and candour.
Central to this theme is ‘simplicity’.

One of the key elements on this day (and how could it not be) is the bride; mainly, her hairdo.
Her hairstyle tends to be loose or half-up, with playful braids or waves. Brightened up with flowers; either individual or in the shape of a crown.
Ribbons finish the look off and give her hair a fantastic appearance. The dress is flowing and relatively simple, preferably with lots of lace!

Are you getting excited?
Neem Contact My Wedding Planner to create some ideas together.

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